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by Release Recommended Release (14.0 FP3)


Hide details for AttachmentsAttachments
KWAE9DZ582SPR# KWAE9DZ582 -Fixes a problem where the correct attachment is not opened if multiple same name files are attached to a mail and they have not been...
HOKA9BP794Fixes issue where an attachment is duplicated in a mail if it is edited on IE with iNotes ActiveX file attachment utility. This is a companion fix...
Hide details for Browser Cache ManagementBrowser Cache Management
PPET9J3H9XFixes Internet Explorer crash caused by interaction with dwabho.dll, used for Browser Cache Management.
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QPGG9AQK95AIX compiler results in different files having different pointers for string constants, even if they are extern C.
As such, we will modify and...
SLAE9GCKQSFixes Notes crash when accepting a meeting during failover.
KMOA9JPHDMFixes problem when using Safari or Chrome on a Mac where in the meeting scheduler the row of the scheduled room is covered with the horizontal...
WWAG9KHK8WUpdated timezone and DST information for the Notes standard client to include tzdata2014c. Please see this link for details on timezone updates:...
NRBY9JPKFYFixes an intermittent issue where adding a user from Outlook to a meeting series does not add a user to all instances of that...
NRBY9LVMF3Fixes issue where freebusy service can return invalid busytime data (for example: last event's end time is before its start time)
NRBY9GPNPCSupport new preference to "only auto-process info updates that dont have outstanding reschedules"
JSCD9JQPFLFixes issue when a meeting invitation is sent by Outlook and is afterwards updated and then received in Notes, the meeting information update notice...
NRBY9J7SV3Fixes issue where Servers hit an assert when calendar creates/updates fail
NRBY9JNKJVFixed issues with Outlook not recognizing the time zone sent by Notes. Also fixed the time zone Notes/Domino created when receiving a meeting from...
NRBY9H4PSMFixes issue where if an invite arrives at a Windows server, and the reschedule arrives at an AIX server, the reschedule notice shows as an invite for...
NRBY9HSJE3Fixes issue where a meeting invitee gets a duplicate meeting invite that cannot be accepted, if they are added to a meeting they are already invited...
NRBY9HKPUTFixes issue where removing a room or resource from a meeting invite does not work.  The room or resource is removed from the meeting invite but the...
Hide details for Calendar & SchedulingCalendar & Scheduling
HANA9GW5HUIntroduces a new "validate" arg to CalGetApptunidFromUID
Hide details for Calendaring & SchedulingCalendaring & Scheduling
NRBY9HSJCCLocking for CalUpdateEntry is provided when supplying a uid.
NRBY9GVVB7This fix protects against multiple threads running concurrent C&S API operations on the same meeting which can lead to the meeting becoming...
JMOY9FZSHWFixes issue Notes Client issue where a user receives a counter notice, but it does not show the original Date/Time of the meeting
PFIE9LDMZNFixes some meetings displaying in wrong timezone.
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PESA6X6Q3UFixes issue when AD Sync is installed on a Windows 7 workstation, along with a full Notes client and Domino Admininstrator where if Active Directory...
PSPS9KW6WTNotes Mac Client cannot input any text running under OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
PSPS9LV9JPNotes Client Crash shortly after launch running under OS X 10.10 Yosemite.


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